District Service Committee

The next DSC 20 Meeting:
Sunday, February 9th, 2024 @ 4PM PST

District Service Committee

We meet to coordinate MA business and fellowship services that our District depends on in order to help our primary purpose of carrying the MA message of recovery to the marijuana addict who still suffers. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend District 20 meetings. 

Our meetings typically take place via Zoom on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 4pm Pacific.

To join the DSC Zoom Meeting, click on this link: https://zoom.us/j/83584308067
OR Call: +1-669-900-6833
Access Code/Meeting ID: 835 8430 8067
Password: 420420

District 20 is guided by elected officers for the District Service Committee.  As stated in Tradition Two, "...Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern."  Elections are held every year in September.  Anyone who is a present member at this September meeting is eligible to vote for trusted servants in our elections.  DSC officers should have at least one year clean and sober time, significant District Committee background, and have a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts. 

Our current District Service Committee was elected on September 08, 2024:

Chair - Ellie J. Chair@MA-SanDiego.org
Vice Chair - Pete S.
Treasurer - Elizabeth M. Treasurer@MA-SanDiego.org
Secretary - Jules M. Secretary@MA-SanDiego.org 

The next District Service Committee Election will be held in September 2025.

Minutes from past meetings:

Public Information/Hospitals & Institutions Committee

Email pihi@ma-sandiego.org for more information.

Thank you to member Sarah for the header image.