What Is Sponsorship? (click to open)
Sponsorship is one recovering person talking to another recovering person. Through sharing, both individuals enrich their lives. The Sponsor and the Sponsee meet as equals, attend meetings regularly together, discuss recovery issues, work the steps, and work the program.
For the Newcomer, a Sponsor is a special person with whom they can discuss problems, ask questions, and through whom they can gain an understanding of recovery through this Twelve-Step program.
Being a Sponsor
If we agree to be someone’s Sponsor it doesn’t mean we take responsibility for that person or for their sobriety and recovery. It is a two-way relationship based upon mutual respect and the principles of this program.
How do I become a sponsor?
Usually, one waits to be asked or simply announces one’s availability for such a commitment at a meeting. If you are open to being paired with a Sponsee that may not be in your area, and are willing to work virtually or over the phone you can participate in the Remote Sponsorship program. Click here to sign up.
When should I consider myself ready to sponsor another?
Whenever you feel ready to share what you have. Usually, it helps to have enough sobriety so that you have worked the steps and have some “experience, strength, and hope” to share. If you possess a willingness to spend time and effort with a person, to be patient, and to share your experience with recovery, then you are probably ready to become a sponsor.
Finding a Sponsor
How do I find a Sponsor?
The usual way is to ask a person to Sponsor you who has some of the personal and recovery attributes that you admire. It helps if the potential Sponsor has been clean and sober long enough to have worked the 12 steps of recovery. In order to request a Sponsor work with you, it is best to attend as many meetings as possible to widen your exposure to recovering people. There are no specific rules for choosing a Sponsor, but an individual who is living life successfully and happily is worth considering, in essence they have what you want, serenity in recovery.